Life Coaching

Life Coaching is for you when you know it is time for a shift.

You know something needs to change, because you have changed. Or because you realized that your life isn't exactly how you really want to live it.

Life Coaching is there for you to clarify your direction, re-discover your inner resources and walk your own way towards the changes you're looking for.

So you can achieve your goals and create a “new normal” for you with all the support you need along the way.
So you can live the life you want to live, experience it as the person you want to be and - most importantly - enjoy the ride!

Maybe you feel like some spark is missing. Some sense of aliveness. A deeper sense of connectedness and fulfillment. Maybe it is something a bit vague and abstract still.
But the process starts when you know it is time. It can start with the exploration of one of the most exciting questions there is: What is it that you really want?
And you can start with that right now.

Maybe you have a very clear picture of where you want to go. A very concrete, even tangible goal of what you want to change, achieve or implement in your life. And you know it is time to act.
The missing piece is some support, someone to strategize with, someone to help you stay accountable.
And you can start your journey right now, asking yourself: What is the kind of support I need right now to gain momentum and then stay motivated?

Or maybe you are somewhere in between, a little bit of both.
What counts is, you are looking for a new way of being supported in your personal growth. And that’s where the coaching comes in.


Coaching is a partnership, a space for a conversational process to explore new ways of thinking, designing and believing in yourself. So you can take your next steps from a new level of perspective with an intrinsic drive. Coaching is your lab for experimentation, so you can find your own unique strategy to move forward towards your goals.

Giving space to your ideas, wishes and goals gives them the chance to grow, evolve and be realized.

Learning to relax your brain and direct your thinking towards possibilities supports you in your day to day change process.

Strategizing your way forward while preparing for challenges and course corrections along the way set you up for a journey that will get you there - to where you want to be, how you want to live and how you want to feel in this life.

The change you are looking for is always available. With life coaching you create your personal alchemy of mindset, perspective and action, you can move forward at your own speed. You can create the momentum that feels right for you and that makes you even more excited to keep going.

What you need is some space to explore, experiment and evaluate.
Moments to find your inner strength, connect to your inherent wisdom and integrate the future you are creating right now.

This kind of space is what I am here to offer to you.


What’s special about coaching with me?

With two decades of experience in meditation, I bring with me a lot of expertise in working with the mind and finding personalized ways of directing your thinking into new pathways.

While my coaching style is empowering you to find your own inner resources for the way ahead, I also offer you practical tools to learn to shift your mindset to support that very process - through simple meditation tools, inner connection techniques and universal self coaching skills.

For me, a coaching conversation is always centered around you. It is your space, your time, your opportunity: To connect to who you are becoming, to where you want to go and gain insights of how to get there.

I never tell you what to do - I might challenge you to try something new.

I always respect and celebrate your pace and your style of progress - and I am there to cheer you on.

I support you in finding your very own unique path and be there as your reminder to stay true to you whenever you need it.

For this creates a coaching experience based in respect, trust and openness, creating incremental and lasting shifts that shape you and your life in a sustainable way.

For any questions and booking a free first explorative conversation, just send me a message or book a call right here:


What my clients say about working with me

„I came to Sonja wishing to find a way to expand my sense of what it means to love myself, to stop responding to the needs of others all the time, but rather make my own approval a priority. 

She offered me a space to process, and her questions really helped me to reflect on where I am at. Her own vulnerability and authenticity was priceless, she was an example of what was possible. I didn’t feel that there was any hierarchy, but an equal exchange. Sonja brought her whole humanity to the sessions. She encouraged me to use my own intuitive gifts. I had the space to process.

As a result of our coaching together: I am excited to be myself. I am softer with myself. There was a softening and an increased acceptance. This is me now.“

Harumi / Seattle

“I have become more aware of my needs and boundaries, I communicate them and give myself more space to fulfill them. I started new projects that light me up and keep creating more abundance. Coaching with Sonja was joyful and exciting! Our sessions were full of respect and appreciation and I could take away something every time that would enable me to progress immensely. 

Looking ahead feels amazing now, I enjoy my life’s journey so much! I feel equipped to keep working on my goals independently now and trust myself to be capable of helping myself if there were any difficulties.

I definitely recommend Sonja as a coach. She brings great appreciation to the sessions, sets impulses and helps new ideas to emerge. I benefited immensely from her questions and „homework“, it always hit a nerve. She kept guiding me back to choosing a positive and empowering perspective, so I could fully see my abundance.”

Karin / Germany

"Sonja has the gift to clearly see your resources, and guided me towards discovering them myself. And that is how she supports your process to empower yourself in a unique way. She is attentive, loving and smart, she keeps her eye on the bigger picture and makes sure you stay grounded. 

Coaching with her is best described as nurturing, differentiating and relieving.

If you are looking for a coach who pays attention to detail and works process oriented, I can definitely recommend Sonja! When you are willing to open up, be honest with yourself and let questions run deep, Sonja is the coach to help you dig for gold."

Katrin / designer and yoga teacher / Germany


This is how you can coach with me

Every coaching journey starts with a ‘coaching exploration’: We get to know each other and discuss what the coaching will be about and how we are going to work together. We talk about topics and tools and start creating a vision for your journey ahead.
We also discuss which coaching format will be the most beneficial for you and customize a package according to your needs.

Life Coaching packages

  • packages are available for 1 month (4 sessions), 3 months (12 sessions) or 6 months (25 sessions)

  • they include a weekly coaching sessions of 55 minutes via Zoom

  • additional support in between calls through voice messenger

  • access to the inner connection & meditation toolkit “meditation sparks” (find out more about it here)

  • a complementary 30 minute check in call, 1 month after the completion of the package

  • your investment: 600€ / 1 month, 1600€ / 3 months, 3200€ / 6 months (incl. 1 bonus session)

  • shorter packages available upon request. Just send me a message or book a call through the link below.

Change takes time, commitment and consistency. That’s why I recommend long term packages - to make sure you can achieve the goals you have for yourself in a sustainable way, while giving yourself time to integrate the new.

But either way, it all starts with a conversation. Shall we talk?